
2024/04/02 00:09


4.13 - 5.12


目の前で起こる事柄を瞬間的に記録する。シャッターを切るたびに自分と世界の親和性が薄く平板に 伸びていくような恐怖がある。自分とカメラという機械の間に本来あった筈の境界線はいまや希薄 だ。自分がカメラのようでカメラが自分のよう。自分だけがいない世界を撮っている。まるで小学校 のグラウンドの土になったような気分。足型だけを記録して、ひっそりと、のっぺりと。

ここでは一枚の写真を一つの単語として数える。この平面に配置された写真群には明確な時間性がな く紐付けられた明白な場所もない。各々が互いに独立していて、ある意味での象徴的記号の役割を与 えられている。決められた読み方はなく文法のようなルールもない。それゆえにこの平面は自由であ る。縦であり同時に横である。作家はこの横幅10メートル弱の平面が客観を元に文体として回帰 し、その客観性の中に奥行きを見出すことを望んでいる。


Taking photographs.

Capturing momentary events unfolding before my eyes. With each shutter click, there is a fear that the affinity between myself and the world becomes thin, stretching into a flatness. The boundary that should have existed between myself and the machine called the camera has now become faint. It's as if I am like the camera, and the camera is like me. I am capturing a world where only I am absent. It feels as if I have become the soil of an elementary school playground, quietly recording only footprints, unobtrusively and flatly.

Here, each photograph is counted as a single word. In this plane of arranged photographs, there is no clear temporality, and there are no overtly connected or defined locations. Each photo is independent, assigned a role as a symbolic sign in a certain sense. There are no predetermined ways to read them, and there are no rules like grammar. Therefore, this plane is free. It is both vertical and horizontal at the same time. The artist hopes that this plane, with its width of just under 10 meters, will return to a literary style based on objectivity, and within that objectivity, he wants to discover depth.

Reading photographs.



2000 年生まれ。福岡県在住。 主にストリート写真に注力し、なんでもないものの変容を追っている。

-個展 TUGU (2020 From Eastern Europe To The Far East (2022 ) -Wonder Foto Day Fukuoka (2023 に参加
-その他 合同展多数

Taku Furukawa

Born in 2000. Based in Fukuoka
Mainly focusing on street photography, exploring the transformation of ordinary things.

solo exhibitions
2020 in Fukuoka)
-From Eastern Europe To The Far East (
2022 in Fukuoka)

Participated in Wonder Foto Day Fukuoka (2023 in Fukuoka) And many other joint exhibitions.

